Current Load
select left(now()||'',19) Time
, m_t_running
, m_t_nw_poll
, m_t_jobexec_wait
, m_t_mutex_wait
, m_t_exlock_enter
, m_t_semaphore_wait
, m_t_shlock_enter
, m_t_joining
, m_t_intentlockenter
, m_t_all - (m_t_running+m_t_nw_poll+m_t_jobexec_wait+m_t_mutex_wait+m_t_exlock_enter+m_t_semaphore_wait+m_t_shlock_enter+m_t_joining+m_t_intentlockenter) m_t_other
, s_t_running
, s_t_nw_poll
, s_t_jobexec_wait
, s_t_mutex_wait
, s_t_exlock_enter
, s_t_semaphore_wait
, s_t_shlock_enter
, s_t_joining
, s_t_intentlockenter
, s_t_all - (s_t_running+s_t_nw_poll+s_t_jobexec_wait+s_t_mutex_wait+s_t_exlock_enter+s_t_semaphore_wait+s_t_shlock_enter+s_t_joining+s_t_intentlockenter) s_t_other
, m_t_sqlexecutor
, m_t_jobworker
, m_t_all - (m_t_sqlexecutor+m_t_jobworker) m_t_other
, m_t_sqlexecutor_running
, m_t_jobworker_running
, m_t_running - (m_t_sqlexecutor_running+m_t_jobworker_running) m_t_other_running
, s_t_sqlexecutor
, s_t_jobworker
, s_t_all - (s_t_sqlexecutor+s_t_jobworker) s_t_other
, s_t_sqlexecutor_running
, s_t_jobworker_running
, s_t_running - (s_t_sqlexecutor_running+s_t_jobworker_running) s_t_other_running
, r2m_blog_tm_ms
, r2m_blog_sz_mb
, r2m_rep_blog_tm_ms
, r2m_rep_blog_sz_mb
, r2s_blog_tm_ms
, r2s_blog_sz_mb
, r2s_rep_blog_tm_ms
, r2s_rep_blog_sz_mb
, r3m_blog_tm_ms
, r3m_blog_sz_mb
, r3m_rep_blog_tm_ms
, r3m_rep_blog_sz_mb
, r3s_blog_tm_ms
, r3s_blog_sz_mb
, r3s_rep_blog_tm_ms
, r3s_rep_blog_sz_mb
, m_tps
, m_exe_per_sec
, m_commit_per_sec
, m_rollbk_per_sec
, s_tps
, s_exe_per_sec
, s_commit_per_sec
, s_rollbk_per_sec
, case when m_deltaemerge is null then 0 else m_deltaemerge end m_deltamerge_cnt
, case when m_savepoint is null then 0 else m_savepoint end m_savepoint_cnt
, case when m_savepoint_crit is null then 0 else m_savepoint_crit end m_savepoint_crit_cnt
, case when s_deltamerge is null then 0 else s_deltamerge end s_deltamerge_cnt
, case when s_savepoint is null then 0 else s_savepoint end s_savepoint_cnt
, case when s_savepoint_crit is null then 0 else s_savepoint_crit end s_savepoint_crit_cnt
from (
select sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'Running' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_running
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'Network Poll' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_nw_poll
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'Job Exec Waiting' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_jobexec_wait
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'Mutex Wait' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_mutex_wait
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'ExclusiveLock Enter' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_exlock_enter
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'Semaphore Wait' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_semaphore_wait
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'SharedLock Enter' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_shlock_enter
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'Joining' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_joining
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'IntentLock Enter' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_intentlockenter
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_all
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'Running' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_running
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'Network Poll' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_nw_poll
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'Job Exec Waiting' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_jobexec_wait
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'Mutex Wait' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_mutex_wait
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'ExclusiveLock Enter' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_exlock_enter
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'Semaphore Wait' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_semaphore_wait
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'SharedLock Enter' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_shlock_enter
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'Joining' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_joining
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'IntentLock Enter' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_intentlockenter
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_all
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_type = 'JobWorker' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_jobworker
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_type = 'SQLExcutor' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_SQLExecutor
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_type = 'JobWorker' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_jobworker
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_type = 'SQLExcutor' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_SQLExecutor
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'Running' and thread_type = 'JobWorker' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_jobworker_running
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and thread_state = 'Running' and thread_type = 'SQLExcutor' then 1 else 0 end) m_t_SQLExecutor_running
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'Running' and thread_type = 'JobWorker' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_jobworker_running
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and thread_state = 'Running' and thread_type = 'SQLExcutor' then 1 else 0 end) s_t_SQLExecutor_running
from m_service_threads
where is_active = 'TRUE'
and port = 30003
, (
select sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana2-master' then BACKLOG_TIME /1000 else 0 end) r2m_blog_tm_ms
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana2-master' then BACKLOG_SIZE /1024/1024 else 0 end) r2m_blog_sz_mb
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana2-master' then REPLAY_BACKLOG_TIME/1000 else 0 end) r2m_rep_blog_tm_ms
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana2-master' then REPLAY_BACKLOG_SIZE/1024/1024 else 0 end) r2m_rep_blog_sz_mb
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana2-slave' then BACKLOG_TIME /1000 else 0 end) r2s_blog_tm_ms
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana2-slave' then BACKLOG_SIZE /1024/1024 else 0 end) r2s_blog_sz_mb
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana2-slave' then REPLAY_BACKLOG_TIME/1000 else 0 end) r2s_rep_blog_tm_ms
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana2-slave' then REPLAY_BACKLOG_SIZE/1024/1024 else 0 end) r2s_rep_blog_sz_mb
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana3-master' then BACKLOG_TIME /1000 else 0 end) r3m_blog_tm_ms
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana3-master' then BACKLOG_SIZE /1024/1024 else 0 end) r3m_blog_sz_mb
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana3-master' then REPLAY_BACKLOG_TIME/1000 else 0 end) r3m_rep_blog_tm_ms
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana3-master' then REPLAY_BACKLOG_SIZE/1024/1024 else 0 end) r3m_rep_blog_sz_mb
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana3-slave' then BACKLOG_TIME /1000 else 0 end) r3s_blog_tm_ms
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana3-slave' then BACKLOG_SIZE /1024/1024 else 0 end) r3s_blog_sz_mb
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana3-slave' then REPLAY_BACKLOG_TIME/1000 else 0 end) r3s_rep_blog_tm_ms
, sum(case when secondary_host = 'hana3-slave' then REPLAY_BACKLOG_SIZE/1024/1024 else 0 end) r3s_rep_blog_sz_mb
from m_service_replication
where port = 30003
, (
select round(avg(case when host = 'hana1-master' then CURRENT_TRANSACTION_RATE/60 end),2) m_tps
, round(avg(case when host = 'hana1-master' then CURRENT_EXECUTION_RATE /60 end),2) m_exe_per_sec
, round(avg(case when host = 'hana1-master' then CURRENT_COMMIT_RATE /60 end),2) m_commit_per_sec
, round(avg(case when host = 'hana1-master' then CURRENT_ROLLBACK_RATE /60 end),2) m_rollbk_per_sec
, round(avg(case when host = 'hana1-slave' then CURRENT_TRANSACTION_RATE/60 end),2) s_tps
, round(avg(case when host = 'hana1-slave' then CURRENT_EXECUTION_RATE /60 end),2) s_exe_per_sec
, round(avg(case when host = 'hana1-slave' then CURRENT_COMMIT_RATE /60 end),2) s_commit_per_sec
, round(avg(case when host = 'hana1-slave' then CURRENT_ROLLBACK_RATE /60 end),2) s_rollbk_per_sec
from m_workload
where port = 30003
, (
select sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and job_name = 'Delta Merge' then 1 else 0 end) m_deltaemerge
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and job_name = 'Savepoint' then 1 else 0 end) m_savepoint
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-master' and job_name = 'Savepoint Critical Phase' then 1 else 0 end) m_savepoint_crit
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and job_name = 'Delta Merge' then 1 else 0 end) s_deltamerge
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and job_name = 'Savepoint' then 1 else 0 end) s_savepoint
, sum(case when host = 'hana1-slave' and job_name = 'Savepoint Critical Phase' then 1 else 0 end) s_savepoint_crit
from m_job_progress
where port = 30003
History와는 달리 현재 상태를 보여줌
BW F Fact Table Compression: fact table compression
Backup: data backup
Check Table Consistency: table consistency check
Column table reloading on startup: Column table reloading on startup
Create Index: index creation
DSO activation: dso activation
DSO conversion: dso conversion
DSO rollback: dso rollback
Data Statistics Autocreate: Automatic creation of data statistics
Delta Log Replay: delta log replay
Delta Merge: delta merge
Export All: main export operation
Export Object: exporting data for an object invoked by 'Export All'
Import All: main import operation
Import Object: importing data for an object invoked by 'Import All'
Memory Profiler: load memory profiler data into tables
Move Table: table move
Optimize Compression: optimize compression
Plan Stability: Execute all cached plans to capture
Re-partitioning: table split and merge operations
Reclaim Delta: reclaim rows from delta which are not visible
Row Store Reorganization: row storage reorganization
Runtimedump: Runtimedump
Save PerfTrace: saving performance trace
Savepoint Critical Phase: critical phase of savepoint
Savepoint: savepoint
System Replication Data Transfer: system replication full data and delta data/log shipping
Table Consistency Check: Table Consistency Checks (Procedure CHECK_TABLE_CONSISTENCY)
Table Redistribution Execute: table redistribution plan execution
Table Redistribution Generate: table redistribution plan generation
Table conversion (Col to Row): table type conversion from column to row store
Table conversion (Row to Col): table type conversion from row to column store
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