1. Thread 현황 확인
select thread_state
, substr(thread_method,1,30)
, substr(lock_wait_name,1,30)
, application_user_name
, substr(application_source,1,30)
, substr(thread_detail,1,30)
, statement_hash
, count(*) cnt
where thread_state != 'Inactive'
group by
, substr(thread_method,1,30)
, substr(lock_wait_name,1,30)
, application_user_name
, substr(application_source,1,30)
, statement_hash
, substr(thread_detail,1,30)
order by thread_state, cnt desc
2. Thread 상세 현황
select connection_id
, thread_id
, thread_method
, thread_detail
, thread_state
, duration
, caller
, calling
, statement_hash
, user_name
, application_user_name
, application_source
, cpu_time_self
, client_ip
, client_pid
, transaction_id
, lock_wait_component
, lock_wait_name
, numa_node_index
from m_service_threads
where statement_hash = 'c13a8d89f6857abc9b034b**********'
and thread_method = 'ExecutePrepared'
and thread_state = 'Semaphore Wait'
3. SQL Text 확인
with st as ( select 'c13a8d89f6857abc9b034b**********' sh from dummy )
select top 1 substr(statement_string, 1,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string, 201,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string, 401,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string, 601,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string, 801,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,1001,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,1201,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,1401,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,1601,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,1801,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,2001,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,2201,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,2401,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,2601,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh union all
select top 1 substr(statement_string,2801,200) from _sys_statistics.HOST_SQL_PLAN_CACHE, st where statement_hash = st.sh
4. SQL history 현황
select to_char(server_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') tm
, application_name
, application_source
, user_name
, min_execution_time / 1024 min_exe_tm_ms -- Execution Time (Min)
, avg_execution_time / 1024 avg_exe_tm_ms -- Execution Time (Avg)
, max_execution_time / 1024 max_exe_tm_ms -- Execution Time (Max)
, min_preparation_time / 1024 min_pre_tm_ms -- Preparation Time (Min)
, avg_preparation_time / 1024 avg_pre_tm_ms -- Preparation Time (Avg)
, max_preparation_time / 1024 max_pre_tm_ms -- Preparation Time (Max)
, execution_count exe_cnt -- Execution count
, total_result_record_count rs_cnt -- Result record count
, total_result_record_count / execution_count rs_per_exe
, total_execution_time / 1024 tot_exe_ms
, total_preparation_time / 1024 tot_pre_ms
, (total_execution_time - total_lock_wait_duration)/1024 "EXE-LOCK" -- Execution time - lock time
, (total_execution_time - total_lock_wait_duration)/execution_count/1024 "EXE_Tm-LOCK_Tm per EXE"
, total_lock_wait_duration / 1024 tot_lck_ms
, total_lock_wait_count tot_lck_cnt
from _sys_statistics.host_sql_plan_cache
where statement_hash = 'c13a8d89f6857abc9b034bc4********'
and server_timestamp between to_timestamp('20200720-000000','YYYYMMDD-HH24MISS') and to_timestamp('20200723-235900','YYYYMMDD-HH24MISS')
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