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[HANA] 2180165 - FAQ: SAP HANA Expensive Statements Trace

* 2180165 - FAQ: SAP HANA Expensive Statements Trace







3. Criteria can be used to record a database request

Indicator Validity Parameter Unit Details
Runtime general global.ini -> [expensive_statement] -> threshold_duration us SQL statements exceeding the configured runtime limit are recorded.
CPU consumption Rev. >= 1.00.94 global.ini -> [expensive_statement] -> threshold_cpu_time us

SQL statements exceeding the configured CPU consumption are recorded.

As a prerequisite CPU time measurement must be activated on SAP HANA <= 1.0 SPS 11 with the following parameter (see SAP Note 2100040):

Starting with SAP HANA 1.0 SPS 12 CPU time measurement is activated per default.

Attention: Setting threshold_cpu_time doesn't work properly on SAP HANA <= 1.0 SPS 11 and a high number of SQL statements will be traced, regardless of the defined limitation. So it should only be used with SAP HANA >= 1.0 SPS 12.

Memory consumption Rev. >= 1.00.94 global.ini -> [expensive_statement] -> threshold_memory bytes

SQL statements exceeding the configured memory consumption are recorded.

As a prerequisite memory tracking must be activated with the following parameters (see SAP Note 1999997):

Attention: With SAP HANA <= 2.00.021 and <= 2.00.034 setting threshold_memory explicitly can result in statements that are erroneously traced because they have a MEMORY_SIZE of -1 for some reason.



4. Control Parameter

- global.ini -> [expensive_statement] -> application

  . Possibility to restrict trace to specific application name
    You can use wild cards ('*' for an arbitrary string) and negation ('!' in front of the value)


- global.ini -> [expensive_statement] -> application_user

  . Possibility to restrict trace to specific application user name

    You can use wild cards ('*' for an arbitrary string) and negation ('!' in front of the value)