
[HANA] Timeout관련 파라미터

이반&핫버드 2019. 4. 11. 18:40

주요 파라미터 List

Parameter Default Unit



global.ini -> [persistence] -> log_backup_timeout_s

s Y Time after which a log backup is performed at latest (SAP doc 1642148)

indexserver.ini -> [transaction] -> lock_wait_timeout


ms Y Time after which a record or table lock wait is terminated

indexserver.ini -> [session] -> idle_connection_timeout


min Y Time after which an idle connection is terminated (SAP doc 1836774)
indexserver.ini -> [session] -> tcp_keepalive_time 600
s Y Time after which a dead connection is terminated (SAP doc 1836774)

 indexserver.ini ->[session] -> statement_timeout

1200 s Y 비정상 SQL의 장시간 수행 방지를 위함

indexserver.ini -> [transaction] -> uncommitted_write_transaction_lifetime

360 min Y Old active update transaction can be termincated with DISCONNECT

indexserver.ini ->[transaction] -> idle_cursor_lifetime

720 min Y Open cursors and active SQL statements are automatically terminated with DISCONNECT 

global.ini ->[expensive_statement] -> enable

True   Y 임계치 이상 SQL 수행시 SQL 상세정보 저장용

global.ini -> [memorymanager] -> statement_memory_limit

0 GB Y When the statement memory limit is reached, a dump file is created and the statement is aborted

global.ini -> [memorymanaer] -> statment_memory_limit_threshold

0 %   the maximum memory allocation per statment as a percentage of the global allocation limit