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[HANA] Memory GC Trigger 관련 파라미터 https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2169283 Memory Garbage collection Auto Trigger 시점 관련 Parameter global.ini -> [memorymanager] -> async_free_target Default = 95 % Trigger 되면 할당된 메모리를 global allocation limit의 특정 비율(aync_free_target) 만큼 줄임 global.ini -> [memorymanager] -> async_free_threshold Default = 100 % global allocation limit의 특정 비율(async_free_threshold) 만큼 도달하면 proactive Memory GC가 ..
[HANA] NUMA Node를 user-specific하게 지정하는 방법 == 현황 조회 hdbsql TMP=> select schema_name, table_name, column_name, NUMA_NODE_INDEXES from table_columns where table_name = 'CUSTOMER1TST' and column_name = 'C_ZIP'; | SCHEM | TABLE_NAME | COLUM | N | | ----- | ------------ | ----- | - | | BENCH | CUSTOMER1TST | C_ZIP | ? | 1 row selected (overall time 103.392 msec; server time 803 usec) hdbsql TMP=> select schema_name, table_name, column_name, n..
[HANA] 2470289 - FAQ: SAP HANA Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2470289 NUMA Node overview Concept Memory architecture of multi-processor systems where a certain amount of memory is assigned to every processor, but other CPUs are also able to access it (Distributed shared memory) Accessing locally assigned memory is faster than accessing memory assigned to a differenct CPU HANA 1.0 SPS10 부터 NUMA-aware NUMA configurat..
[HANA] 2114710 - FAQ: SAP HANA Threads and Thread Samples https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2114710 Thread Overview Threads description The SAP HANA work, like executing of SQL statements or background tasks is performed by threads Each SAP HANA process like indexserver or xsengine consists of a set of threads Information about historic thread activityes are available Monitoring view M_SERVICE_THREAD_SAMPLES .ini -> [resource_tracting] -> servi..
[HANA] HSR 구성 보호되어 있는 글입니다.
[HANA] Insert Only Operation 보호되어 있는 글입니다.
[HANA] Delta merge-2 (internal) ■ Delta (Differential Buffer) 개요 배경 Inserting new tuples directly into a compressed structure can be expensive Sorted structure인 경우 특히 더~ 신규 데이터에 의해 Dictionary의 변경이 발생 가능 Attribute vector도 변경 가능 실제 사례는 아래 참고 Insert Only Operation 참조 (https://ivans-story.tistory.com/m/54) Delta (Differential Buffer) 신규 데이터는 Delta 영역에 저장됨 Dictionary에 바로 저장이 되어야 하나 Main store와의 병합 시 속도를 위해서 Fast search가 가능한 구조 이용함 ..
[HANA] Internal Columns in CS Table * 1986747 - How-To: Analyzing internal Columns in SAP HANA Column Store ==> m_cs_all_columns 에서 column name으로 확인 Internal Columns 종류 Internal column type Naming convention Description CONCAT_ATTRIBUTE $$$...$ Multi column index (concat attribute) $uc_$ Unique index ROWID $rowid$ Row pointer, unique identifier for a record Rev. >= 92: TEXT Rev. 따라서 해당 컬럼이 더이상 필요하지 않음 이 신기능은 파라미터에 의해서 컨트롤 됨 indexs..