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[솔루션] Veeam Backup & Recovery (CDP) Reference : https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/vsphere/replication.html?ver=110 Replication Replication is a technology that helps you protect mission-critical VMware virtual machines. When you replicate a VM, Veeam Backup & Replication creates an exact copy of the VM in the native VMware vSphere format on the target host. Veeam Backup & Replication maintains this copy in sync with the ori..
[솔루션] Veeam Backup & Replication (Repliation) Reference : https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/vsphere/replication.html?ver=110 Replication Replication is a technology that helps you protect mission-critical VMware virtual machines. When you replicate a VM, Veeam Backup & Replication creates an exact copy of the VM in the native VMware vSphere format on the target host. Veeam Backup & Replication maintains this copy in sync with the ori..
[HANA] Test data generator Test data generator for SAP HANA for large initial and delta data sets 출처 : https://blogs.sap.com/2019/06/11/data-generator-for-sap-hana-for-large-initial-and-delta-data-sets/ Test data generator for SAP HANA for large initial and delta data sets | SAP Blogs 7 16 3,421 Introduction Recently I ran a scenario on the SAP HANA database for which I needed a large initial data set for a specific table..
[Python] (OLD) Chart 생성 - 기타 활용 옛날기술..예전에 정리한거..
[Python] (OLD) Chart 생성 - matplotlib 활용 - 2 옛날기술..예전에 정리한거..계속해서
[Python] (OLD) Chart 생성 - matplotlib 활용 - 1 옛날 기술..옛날에 정리한 내용
[디자인패턴] SOLID Principles R.C. Martin’s Software design principles (SOLID) 원칙 설명 SRP The Single-Responsibility Principle A class should have one, and only one, reason to change 클래스는 하나의 (오직 하나의) 변경의 이유를 가져야 한다 -> 변경에 영향을 적게 받아야 함 - Responsibility (책임) . a contract or obligation of a class . reason to change (변경의 이유) - Separate coupled responsibilites into separate classes 결합된 책임들은 분리된 클래스로 분리하라 OCP The Open-Closed Princi..
CloudOps: ITIL과 퍼블릭 클라우드 간의 격차를 해소하는 방법 (CloudOps: ITIL과 퍼블릭 클라우드 간의 격차를 해소하는 방법) 출처 : https://www.contino.io/insights/cloudops CloudOps: How to Bridge the Gap Between ITIL and the Public Cloud | Contino | Global Transformation Consultancy Contino helps large, heavily-regulated enterprises to become fast, agile and competitive www.contino.io 3줄 요약 CloudOps란? CloudOps의 충돌 CloudOps로 이동하는 방법 : 클라우드를 위한 ITIL 혁신 지속적 변경모델 1. Create a New Sp..