출처 : https://bcho.tistory.com/1414
Prompt 튜닝
- Prompt 통해 정확도를 높이기 위한 방법 >> 질문과 답변에 예제를 추가하는 방식
- 기본원리는 여러개의 예제를 저장해 놓고, 질문에 따라서 가장 유사한 예제를 선택하는 방식 (Example Selector 제공)
Length 기반
- 전체 Prompt의 길이 기반
# Class : ExampleSelector - ExampleSelectorLength
class ExampleSelectorLength(ExampleSelector):
className = 'Length'
paramName = 'max_length'
def getSelector(self):
return LengthBasedExampleSelector(
examples = self.objExamples,
example_prompt = self.objExamplePrompt,
max_length = self.paramValue
def getExamples(self):
return [
{"food":"Kimchi" ,"category":"Korean food" },
{"food":"Chocolate","category":"dessert" },
{"food":"Pasta" ,"category":"Italian food"},
{"food":"Americano","category":"Coffee" }
N-gram Overlap
- 연속된 N개의 아이템(단어/문자)으로 이루어진 순서 있는 집합을 질문과 비교하여 중첩되는 수를 기준으로 순위 정함
- 질문과 더 많이 중첩되는 예제를 선정
# Class : ExampleSelector - ExampleSelectorLength
class ExampleSelectorNGram(ExampleSelector):
className = 'NGram'
paramName = 'threshold'
def getSelector(self):
return NGramOverlapExampleSelector(
examples = self.objExamples,
example_prompt = self.objExamplePrompt,
threshold = self.paramValue
def getExamples(self):
return [
{"food":"Kimchi" ,"category":"Korean food" },
{"food":"Chocolate","category":"dessert" },
{"food":"Pasta" ,"category":"Italian food"},
{"food":"Americano","category":"Coffee" }
유사도 기반
- 예제와 질문을 임베딩(벡터값으로 변경)하여 가장 비슷한 예제를 선정하는 방식
- OpenAI의 Embedding API 이용
- 벡터DB로 chroma 이용
# Class : ExampleSelector - EampleSelectorSemantic
class ExampleSelectorSemantic(ExampleSelector):
className = 'Semantic'
paramName = 'k-value'
def getSelector(self):
return SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector.from_examples(
def getExamples(self):
return [
{"input":"Happy." ,"category":"emotion"},
{"input":"BBQ" ,"category":"food" },
{"input":"Golf" ,"category":"Sports" },
{"input":"Student" ,"category":"Person" }
통계요약 알고리즘 기반 (MMR)
- 유사도 기반의 다양성 문제를 해결하기 위한 방식 (즉, 여러 질문인 경우에 대한 대응)
# Class : ExampleSelector - EampleSelectorMMR
class ExampleSelectorSemantic(ExampleSelector):
className = 'MMR'
paramName = 'k-value'
def getSelector(self):
return MaxMarginalRelevanceExampleSelector.from_examples(
def getExamples(self):
return [
{"input" :"Please summarize the weather news.\n",
"summary":"Today's weather: Sunny skies, mild temperatures, and a gentle breeze. Enjoy the pleasant conditions throughout the day!"},
{"input" :"Please summarize the economy news.\n",
"summary":"Global stocks rise on positive economic data; inflation concerns persist. Tech sector outperforms; central banks closely monitor."},
{"input" :"Please summarize retail news.\n",
"summary":"Major retailer announces record-breaking sales during holiday shopping season"},
{"input" :"What is stock market trend?\n",
"summary":"Investor optimism grows amid easing global trade tensions"},
{"input" :"Typhoon related news.\n",
"summary":"IAirports and schools close ahead of approaching typhoon threat"},
나머지 부분 -1 (import library)
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.prompts import FewShotPromptTemplate, PromptTemplate
from langchain.prompts.example_selector import (
from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma
import os
나머지 부분 -2 (base class 정의)
# Class : ExampleSelector
class ExampleSelector:
className = 'None'
paramName = 'None'
paramValue = None
def __init__(self):
def getPrompt(self, varParam, varTemplate, varInTemplate, varPrefix, varSuffix, varInput):
self.paramValue = varParam
self.varTemplate = varTemplate
self.varInTemplate = varInTemplate
self.varPrefix = varPrefix
self.varSuffix = varSuffix
self.varInput = varInput
self.objExamples = self.getExamples()
self.objExamplePrompt = self.getExamplePrompt()
self.objExampleSelector = self.getSelector()
objPrompt = self.getPromptFromTemplate()
return objPrompt
def printPrompt(self, objPrompt):
print( '\n', '-'*50)
print(f'- class : {self.className}')
print(f'- parameter : {self.paramName} - {self.paramValue}')
print( '- Prompt :')
print( '-'*50)
print( '')
def getExamplePrompt(self):
return PromptTemplate(
template = self.varTemplate,
input_variables= self.varInTemplate
def getPromptFromTemplate(self):
return FewShotPromptTemplate(
example_selector = self.objExampleSelector,
example_prompt = self.objExamplePrompt,
prefix = self.varPrefix,
suffix = self.varSuffix,
input_variables = self.varInput
나머지 부분 -3 (실제 main)
# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
# # Length base
# classExampleSelector = ExampleSelectorLength()
# objFinalPrompt = classExampleSelector.getPrompt(40, "Food:{food} Category:{category}", ["food","category"], "What is the category of this food?", "Food: {food}", ["food"])
# classExampleSelector.printPrompt(objFinalPrompt.format(food = 'Korean BBQ'))
# # N-gram base
# classExampleSelector = ExampleSelectorNGram()
# objFinalPrompt = classExampleSelector.getPrompt(0.0,"Food:{food} Category:{category}", ["food","category"], "What is the category of this food?", "Food: {food}", ["food"])
# classExampleSelector.printPrompt(objFinalPrompt.format(food = 'Korean BBQ'))
# # Semanctic base
# classExampleSelector = ExampleSelectorSemantic()
# objFinalPrompt = classExampleSelector.getPrompt(1 ,"Input:{input} Category:{category}", ["input","category"], "What is the category of the input? .", "input: {input}", ["input"])
# classExampleSelector.printPrompt(objFinalPrompt.format(input = 'Sushi'))
classExampleSelector = ExampleSelectorSemantic()
objFinalPrompt = classExampleSelector.getPrompt(2 ,"Input:{input} Summary:{summary}", ["input","summary"], "", "input: {input}\nSummary:", ["input"])
classExampleSelector.printPrompt(objFinalPrompt.format(input="I want to know the economy trends and weather this week."))
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